Hi There,
Whether you are a friend or brother or sister I would give you the same advice.
I urge you to please not be hasty when investing in an e-bike.
It’s like a pair of shoes. It has to be a perfect fit.
You’ll be sorry if you end up with an e-bike that does not suit your riding preferences.
Is Cycling your main thing in Life?
I mean do you have other hobbies such as hiking, swimming or perhaps trail running ?
If so , there is no need to invest hugely in an e-bike that you will use a few times a month.
My main goal in cycling is and always has been to be able to ride with friends , stay fit and enjoy the outdoors.
Does this resonate with you?
One day I got day horribly lost and dehydrated on a MTB ride with mates.
It ended up being a blessing in disguise because it was the way in which I was actually introduced the world of e-biking.
And today it is my raison d'etre.
I use that experience to help other people find their perfect e-bike match.
Please , for your own good - fill in the 1 minute Free evaluation ( click on the link further down on the page) .
Even if you don’t end up investing in an Airgreens ebike, at least our team will point you in the right direction.
Here below I’d like to introduce you to the first few ambassadors to Airgreens.
They have stuck with us since 2014 until now 2024 and we are grateful for their support and passion for ebikes.
Stay well and Stay Awesome.
Warm Regards,
Matt Leve
Curtis Elliott & Marguerite Black
Curtis grew up in the friendly city of Port Elizabeth, where he was able to witness the upcoming 80’s fads of Rubik’s cubes, competitive skateboarding, street BMX, and the dawn of windsurfing.A software developer by trade, and a creative at heart, Curtis has proven he has a natural talent for telling heartwarming stories through his use of video, photography and imagery.
Curtis’s fiancé, Marguerite, suffers from a degenerative neuro-muscular disorder that has her confined to a wheelchair. Marguerite loved cycling too, but with her loss of balance and weaker muscles, she had to surrender to two wheels of a different configuration.Curtis however, had the practical knowledge to get her cycling again, and together with Chilled Squirrel they retrofitted a three wheeler recumbent to electric for her.
Now Marguerite can exercise her legs and also keep up with Curtis on more adventurous rides.Marguerite has also noted an unexpected benefit to her electric recumbent; “Wheelchairs have such a negative connotation, and people never quite know how to react to its occupants, but on my recumbent, people are more open to me, never question my abilities, and assume I am just out cycling on my funky three wheeler.”
Curtis is hugely passionate about E-bike Adventures and Exploration. Check out his beautiful images caught during his many e-biking ventures in Cape Town.
Leonie Mervis
For Leonie, environmentalist and founder of cycling advocacy organization Bicycle Cape Town, her e-bike represents the ultimate freedom of mobility. What started off as a way to flatten Cape Town’s hills on her commute, has opened up a whole new landscape of possibilities - enabling her to travel further and faster - taking her far beyond the city limits on bike camping trips and off-road adventures. Her Jack-of-all-trades e-bike is a gravel-grinding SOMA Wolverine, kitted out with a 350W Chilled Squirrel hub motor and expandable battery solution (delivering 50- 100km a charge) – powerful enough for loaded touring and yet light enough for everyday commuting. A versatile combination designed to see her though adventures great and small.
Google South Africa invests in e-bikes from Chilled Squirrel
As part of the green movement and contribution to zero-emission forms of transport, Google Johannesburg invested in 2 awesome electric bikes from Chilled Squirrel. Google's member of staff at its JHB Offices are able to use the hybrid e-bikes to zip around town if and when needed.